Uncanny Reality

The Americas Collection 4213 Ponce de Leon Blvd, Coral Gables, FL, United States

Abstraction became one of the preferred styles of the previous century for many artists. Given its characteristics of not being constrained by forms or settings, artists had the liberty to use color and shapes as they pleased to create works that expressed their views of the world and of themselves. Despite its popularity, it was […]

Women in Latin American Art & Tribute to Fernando De Szyszlo Peru, 1925 – 2017

NOVA Southeastern University, Alvin Sherman Library, Research, and Information Technology Center - Adolfo and Marisela Cotilla Gallery 3100 Ray Ferrero Jr. Blvd, Fort Lauderdale - Davie, FL, United States

This exhibition celebrates the careers of five Latin American Women who have spanned decades of hard work and artistic growth. With different mediums and styles, this exhibition promises to bring a fresh look to the creation of these fantastic artists. Accompanying this exhibition is a Tribute to the great Latin American master Fernando De Szyszlo […]


The Americas Collection 4213 Ponce de Leon Blvd, Coral Gables, FL, United States

With a lifelong career as an artist and many awards and recognitions, The Americas Collection is proud to present the work of Connie Lloveras. "Observations" seeks to present what has been the concept driving most of her work: observations of her surroundings. Lloveras has created a language particular to her practice where her audience will […]

ReMix 2022

The Americas Collection 4213 Ponce de Leon Blvd, Coral Gables, FL, United States

Looking back and into what the future holds for our artists, Remix celebrates this passing year with the exciting surprises that popped along the way. From the imaginative exhibitions to the discovery and rediscovery of our artists, we have curated a selection of works whose authors have proved that they possess both the skill and […]


The Americas Collection 4213 Ponce de Leon Blvd, Coral Gables, FL, United States

This exhibition seeks to showcase the work of four extraordinary artists whose attention and skills have been centered around the creation of pieces of the utmost detail. In "Simulations," the boundaries between reality and imagination blur, presenting viewers with a compelling tromp l’oeil experience. The subjects, discernible in their fantastical settings and compositions, invite us […]


The Americas Collection 4213 Ponce de Leon Blvd, Coral Gables, FL, United States

An immersive musical experience, featuring Klezmer & Chasidic melodies, fascinating narratives and motivational messages, and a Cheese & Wine Reception. Featuring a live string ensemble led by Grammy award-winning Klezmer and Jazz Violinist Steffen Zeichner. Dr. Zeichner is the concertmaster of the Alhambra Orchestra and Prof. of jazz violin at FIU. He's the founder of […]



The Americas Collection 4213 Ponce de Leon Blvd, Coral Gables, FL, United States

Determined from the beginning of his career to pave his way by his means, Felix Angel has created an immense body of works that reflect his energy and character. With unwavering passion and a commitment to his artistic vision, Felix Angel has become a prolific artist, captivating art enthusiasts worldwide. For many years now, The […]


The Americas Collection 4213 Ponce de Leon Blvd, Coral Gables, FL, United States

Embarking on the artist's journey takes on a fiery passion... A passion that uncovers beauty in the ordinary, gives voice to the silent and illustrates unseen perspectives through the unique prism of the Artist's Vision. This passion has been the guiding light for Liv Dockerty, illuminating her remarkable trajectory in the realm of art. Nurtured […]